National Research Council of Italy

National Research Council of Italy

  • Giunta DSCTM
  • Conferenza annuale DSCTM Sestri Levante 18 - 20 ottobre 2023
  • Conferenza annuale DSCTM Catania 26 - 29 ottobre 2022
  • ICProteostasi
  • ICBImmagine di una cellula immunitaria dopo attivazione con una piccola molecola naturale (verde) agonista di un recettore della superfamiglia delle immunoglobuline
  • ICCOMProduzione di Idrogeno da energia solare mediante pannello fotovoltaico di tipo DSSC e innovativo
  • ICMATEConcentratori solari luminescenti a base di terre rare
  • IPCBComposito stratificato con comportamento anisotropo per la conducibilità termica e la conducibilità elettrica per effetto della presenza di carbon nanotube e hBN e morfologia segregate
  • IPCFLaboratorio di scattering di luce e spettroscopia in fluorescenza per lo studio di materiali nanostrutturati e sensori ottici molecolari (IPCF-Messina).
  • ISMNIngegnerizzazione di nanomateriali e studio delle loro interazioni con i sistemi biologici
  • ISOFFluorescence microscopy of Astrocytes on nanomaterials. Courtesy of V. Benfenati, ISOF.
  • ISTECTrasformazione biomorfica di strutture in legno per sviluppare scaffold ceramici porosi bioriassorbibili gerarchicamente organizzati per la rigenerazione delle ossa lunghe
  • ITMFegato bioartificiale a membrana - Membrane a fibre cave di policaprolattone per la biofabbricazione di un tessuto epatico vascolarizzato
  • SCITECEsplorando i nanomateriali: biopolimei strutturati, particelle attive per la chimica verde e nanocompositi ibridi per sensoristica



The Department of Chemical Science and Materials Technologies (DSCTM), one of the seven core departments of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), operates through 14 research institutions spread throughout the country. The DSCTM employs around 1000 staff, mostly technicians, technologists and researchers who are dedicated to research activities. In addition to this number, there are several hundred young students undergoing training at graduate and post graduate level. With such a large number of personnel, the DSCTM represents, in terms of its research activities in a wide range of fields and a high-level of expertise, one of the country's leading scientific entities, able to carry out both basic and applied research in all fields of the molecular sciences, chemical technologies and material sciences.
The synthesis of novel functional compounds and materials for application in various fields of national strategic importance and the understanding of the rules that govern chemical reactivity by anticipating and driving the relationships that link molecular structure to the chemical and physical properties of systems of molecular and supramolecular materials and new materials represents the Departments scientific mission.  At the same time, these aspects define the technological expertise that the DSCTM provides to the nation to help meet the global challenge of smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth.
The scientific activities of the DSCTM are organized in four strategic areas that have been identified by a thorough analysis of the expertise of its 14 institutions combined with the national priorities expressed by the PNR and the strategies of the Horizon2020 program.
The strategic areas are:
  • Chemistry and Materials for Health and Life Sciences,
  • Renewable Energy,
  • Materials Chemistry and Technologies,
  • Green Chemistry
These areas are further enriched by cross-disciplinary activities and recognized excellence, in such areas as computational modeling and the application of chemistry and materials science to the preservation of cultural heritage. These activities ensure that the DSCTM is an internationally well positioned key player in multiple interdisciplinary projects. The CNR through such excellence can leverage competitiveness in the global market and provide contributions to resolving the multiple challenges that currently face both science and humanity.


Premio Venezia 2021 a ULaval e CNR - Vincenzo di Marzo

La Joint International Research Unit (JIRU) tra CNR e Laval University (ULAVAL) diretta dal Dott. Vincenzo Di Marzo, ricercatore dell'ICB di Napoli, ha ottenuto il Premio Venezia della Camera di Commercio italiana in Canada.


A series of lectures given by academic and industrial top-players of the membrane community

Mario Pagliaro enters the World Ranking of Top 2% scientists in all fields

Mario Pagliaro enters the World Ranking of Top 2% scientists in all fields. Italy's scholar Mario Pagliaro ranked 927th out of 111,388 organic chemists worldwide.


5-6 OTTOBRE 2020 Il workshop si propone di riunire i principali attori nella catena del valore dell’innovazione nel campo della fotonica e dell’agrifood,

EnerCHEM 2

Padova, 12-14 february 2020 The University of Padova, ICMATE CNR and the Società Chimica Italiana (SCI) will have the pleasure and honor of hosting in Padova from 12 to 14 February 2020 ENERCHEM2


Breast microcalcifications reflect surrounding pathology and pay the way for further diagnostic solutions

In the human body, biomineralization and calcification processes are fundamental in bones, but also other minor calcifications types can form in different sites, including kidney, arteria, thyroid, brain and breast. Microcalcifications are a common sign in mammography. In a large portion of cancer cases (90% of ductal carcinoma in situ), microcalcifications are the first and unique sign indicative of the presence of the lesion. Consequently, a very large number of biopsies are performed due to the presence of microcalcifications but, fortunately, up to around 50% of these biopsies reveal a benign lesion (a “false positive”). On the other hand, a huge number of patients (millions in the last three decades) underwent a biopsy that finally resulted negative for cancer. This produces an excess of invasive procedures associated with psychological stress, discomfort, and elevated costs for healthcare systems. Ideally, if we could recognize the malignancy of suspected breast lesions without performing biopsies or, at least, reducing those further associated with false positives, we would solve a current unmet need. Researchers of Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri and University of Milan, in collaboration with colleagues from the Italian National Research Council (CNR) in Bari, from Pavia University and from the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, has recently conclude a multidisciplinary study, published in “Cancer Research” to clarify whether the composition and crystalline structure of microcalcifications correlates with breast cancer. Almost 500 microcalcifications were investigated in patients presenting cancer or benign lesions using Raman imaging spectroscopy. This approach has unique capabilities to easily study the biochemical composition of biological samples, in particular those presenting mineralized components. In parallel, they confirmed the data obtained using different scanning X-ray microscopy approaches able to validate the crystalline properties of microcalcifications. Results demonstrated that breast microcalcifications detected in tumour have specific chemical and crystalline features, different from those observed in benign samples. In details, microcalcifications associated with malignancy are more homogeneous and more “crystalline”, suggesting that their formation could be related to active and fast processes, producing more “pure” crystals. Moreover, the study report that microcalcifications detected in tumour, but located outside the lesion, show malignant features too. This indicates that cancer influences the surrounding tissue even if this apparently show healthy morphologically features. These results indicate that the biochemical differences between benign and malignant microcalcifications can be potentially identified by light-based tools, able to investigate microcalcifications inside the breast without performing biopsies. Next steps will be on the development of such new diagnostic instrumentation able to potentially reduce the number of false positive biopsies thanks to the easier identification of malignant microcalcifications. Who: Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri IRCCS, Pavia; Università degli studi di Milano; Istituto di cristallografia (IC) del CNR, Bari; Università degli studi di Pavia; Paul Scherrer Institute, Svizzera. Article:  “Raman Spectroscopy reveals that biochemical composition of breast microcalcifications correlates with histopathological features”, Info: Renzo Vanna (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.); Fabio Corsi (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.); Cinzia Giannini (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)



TTI Award

Tire Manufacturing Innovation of the Year )BDSPs (butadiene-based di-block stereoregular polymers),


Filippo De Angelis elected member of EURASC

Filippo De Angelis (CNR-ISTM, Perugia) was elected member of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC)


The CNR S&T FORESIGHT project presented to the European Parliament in Brussels - 11 July 2017

The event 'Foresight: driving EU towards a knowledge-based society", that took place at the European Parliament in Brussels on July 11th 2017,


The 2017 EurJIC Prize awarded to Dr. Marco Bellini

The international journal European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (EurJIC) awarded to Dr. Marco Bellini,



quotes an article “The exceptional near-infrared luminescence properties of cuprorivaite (Egyptianblue)”,


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